Prophetic Word: Developing Global Apostolic and Prophetic Centers. (2009)

Solomon Buckley

For the Lord says, Forward march I am calling and commissioning my people in
being fully equipped with a Leadership Activation and Strength to lead.
To fight and run for CHRIST in this anointed season and hour.

Leaders: Those who Leaders in Churches, Houses of Prayer and Para Church

1. The Lord is saying, Leaders  (A.) Lead the way to Victory.
(Forward March Anointing as Forerunners)
For the LORD is saying: Leaders you must lead my people into Purity and Holiness
and Giving, Honoring and Respecting the Word of the Lord (Bible) and the
Prophetic Repositioning that is coming forth in this hour.
Do not settle for Less. Reclaim your territory (Community) move forward my sons
and daughters.
You must declare the word of the Lord in season and out of season.
So I the Lord your God Am going to touch you with the Impartation of the Forward
March Anointing as Forerunners.
So the Lord says, Stir up the Gifts of God through the Impartation of the Laying on
of hands. (2 Timothy 1:6).
It is time to be a Prophetic/ Apostolic Moving people with Force behind what we

2. The Lord says,
Run with purpose. (B.)Equipping and Exalting Jesus.
For the teaching must lead the people to run to the next level.
Not to stay in the same level.
You must teach the people to be available to hear from the Kings of Kings
From hearing from the KING and accepting the King of Kings request and promises
you will move into his perfect way .
No longer following after the mind and will of man.
But following the purposes of CHRIST JESUS.
Lifting up the name of Jesus.

Apostolic and Prophetic Centers are developed by the Holy Spirit.
And Commissioned by the Five Fold Leaders.

In theses Apostolic Center -
The Leadership will be 5 Fold Ministers and properly Aligned Partners (Convenant
Sons and Daughters).
For even in theses centers their will be an Emphasis on The Word being Living.
“ Jesus being the Same, Yesterday , Today and Forever” . (Hebrews 13:8)
The Great Commission is respected and encouraged (Matthew 28:19).
For some the Lord says, Have used the GREAT COMMISSION as a Model for
Church Growth.
For the Lord says, It is not a Model for Church Growth.
It is a Lifestyle that the Apostolic Reformed and Aligned Church will follow into the
End of the Age.

With the Great Commission it is a Value that Jesus desire us to be a people that “
The Lord says, that the Church will be released in Great Commission Apostolic
Ministry until the End of the AGE.

In theses Apostolic Centers- Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists, and Teachers
will work together for the Equipping of the Sainting. (Ephesians 4: 11-12)
Theses Center will see the Equipping the Saints will help with the Sending forth of
Kingdom Minded , Mature Believer no longer drinking milk.
But eating the meat of the word.
You will see the 5 Fold Working together in UNITY not division.
And you will see results.
For the One Man platform will cease like the days of old.
For this new hours is arising.

The Lord is also showing me as Commissioning.
When the Saints are going to be Commissioned.
They will be mature, walking in the fear of the Lord.
The entire Five Fold Leadership in that Apostolic Center will lay hands and speak
Prophetic Utterance over those that will be Commissioned in what ever City or
Nation that they will be released to.
This will spark into Apostolic Networking - Because those who are activated and
commission will relate to their Apostolic Community and Center where they were
sent out from.
So the Apostolic Center and Networks will relate to one another because it will be
based out of one house.
So theses Center will be two fold - Teaching and Equipping and Activation.
Then, Activation and Commissioning for those who are called to plant other
Apostolic Centers, Businesses and Missions in the Nations of the Earth.

In theses Centers - They will be New Songs birthed by the Holy Spirit.
For many times the Meeting will start will Prophetic Songs not normal singing.
The Worship Team will totally depend on the Holy Spirit and the Songs will be
written by Holy Spirit and the Work.
In theses Center the Old Wineskin of Congreational Prophetic Word will be delete
from the meeting and people will submit the word and dreams and visions to the

The Lord says, I am going to release result from flowing in my presence in proper
Order and Balance will come forth in these’s Apostolic Center.
Because of the Urgency of the Hours people will have to flow and depend on the
Holy Spirit not how they personally feel the Lord is saying.
We are coming to an hour where the Corporate Gathering can no longer be driven
by our personally suggestion.
But the Meeting and Gathering must be completely lead by the Holy Spirit who is
the Giver of Life.